Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Windows 8 fails to Copy and Paste iPad2.

Microsoft Clones iPad 2 Software, Hails It As A Breakthrough Called Windows 8.

Internet (NNN)-- An obvious “Homage” to Steven Jobs and Apple, the Gates clonopoly has churned out yet another Windows disaster. What will Billy clone next? Probably the upcoming release of the iPad 3 in 2 weeks. It’ll keep Microsoft’s reverse engineering staff busy for years.

We get thoughts from early Windows 8 Beta users.

What the Hell do you think?

Skool Skippur   Facebook Freak
“Windows 8 lets me draw a picture for my password, it's so much easier than learning my numbers and letters.”

Buck Chuck   Macho Macho Man
 “It comes with easy to use "charms," which include Search, Share, Porn and Hook Up Tonight."

Busty Milf   Male Widget
The colors and shapes are pretty! What’s it do again?”

Thor Frumm Asgard  Valhalla Web Master
 My small tablet doesn’t have a touch screen,
it says “Tylenol” on it.”

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You send the image link with your email client to friends, I'm too freaking lazy.

edgeecards Birthday Cards
Not your mom's Happy Birthday Cards.

Screw ALL the people!!!

Magazine Covers, Bottle Labels, "Energy Drink", other crap

Monday, February 27, 2012

Android activates 850,000 units a day.

Internet (NNN)-- That’s nearly six million a week, or 25.5 million a month. Google now also has 450,000 apps in the Android Market.

What the Hell do you think?

Knoe Itall   Homework Denier
“More popular than the iPhone 4s?! Shit now I gotta get my mom to buy me one of those pieces of crap to look cool.”

Buck Rambo   Macho Nacho
 To keep up with Android demand I heard Foxcon is increasing production of suicide jumper nets in their worker dorms."

Wan Tun Lust   Male Enhancement
I once married an Android.”

Sven Svensson  Swedish Meatball 
 I farted and a little google came out.”

More "sites" (isn't one enough?):

You send the image link with your email client to friends, I'm too freaking lazy.

edgeecards Birthday Cards
Not your mom's Happy Birthday Cards.

Like I care. Regular people interviews. Aren't you regular?

Screw ALL the people!!!

Magazine Covers, Bottle Labels, "Energy Drink", other crap

Butt warmers in cars create new medical syndrome.

Beware "Toasted Butt Syndrome," doctors warn.

Minnesota(NNN)--Seat warmers in cars seat may ease frigid winter commutes, but dermatologists warn that extended exposure can lead to a skin condition called "Toasted Butt Syndrome."

      Reports describe rashes on upper legs and buttocks that erupt by pressing against warmed-up seats for prolonged periods of time.

What the Hell do you think?

Knoe Itall   Homework Denier
“I think that's what Candice Krinell has. Cause she's got a hot ass. Booyaa! Excuse me, I'm tweeting that now.”

Buck Rambo   Manly Man's Man
 My commute’s an hour each way and on cold mornings I end up with “Toasted Balls Syndrome”. Here, feel them lumps..."

Wan Tun Lust   Male Enhancement
A rash isn’t what erupts when a man presses up against my warm seat.”

Sven Svensson  Swedish Meatball 
“I have to drive fast and run many red lights to cut down the time my seat warmer is on. It’s a medical necessity. The cop didn’t buy it.”

More "sites" (isn't one enough?):

You send the image link with your email client to friends, I'm too freaking lazy.

edgeecards Birthday Cards
Not your mom's Happy Birthday Cards.

Like I care. Regular people interviews. Aren't you regular?

Screw ALL the people!!!

Magazine Covers, Bottle Labels, "Energy Drink", other crap

Friday, February 24, 2012

Levi Jeans Ad Ignites Controversy Among Lonely, Nitpicking, Controversy Craving Bloggers.

BY Nit Pikkur (NNN) - There’s an online blogger created controversy over the Levi’s Curve ID Jeans for women ad. The headline says: Hotness comes in all shapes and sizes.” Women like that. And love the jeans. What’s not to like? 

Then the ad shows 3 ”Hot” women who are a slim size six. Size 14 is the average american woman.

What the Hell do you think?

Anna Rexick  Lard Marketer
“I’ve been dieting all my life to stay size 6. I work out 10 times a week. I’m so fucking tired. My period stopped about 2 years ago and I’m single, turning 40 and I want kids. You gonna finish that doughnut?”

Bier Gutz  Porn Collector
 I'd do them 3. But what do I know? I google porn for “big booty cuties."

Wan Tun Lust  Male Enhancement
Men with size 6 girl friends eyes bug out when they see my voluptuous size 14 curves coming.  You can undrop your jaw now Mr. Interviewer.”

Sven Svensson  Swedish Meatball 
“Don't those 3 Chinese women make the $80 jeans for a dollar a day? Sorry. Fifty cents a day.”

More "sites" (isn't one enough?):

You send the image link with your email client to friends, I'm too freaking lazy.

edgeecards Birthday Cards
Not your mom's Happy Birthday Cards.

Like I care. Regular people interviews. Aren't you regular?

Screw ALL the people!!!

Magazine Covers, Bottle Labels, "Energy Drink", other crap

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Spy Drones Take Aim at U.S. Skies
BY Sur Veillance (NNN) the internet--A new federal law, compels the Federal Aviation Administration to allow drones, small $200 drones to big ones costing millions, to be used for all sorts of commercial purposes.
What the Hell do you think?

Knoe Itall  Homework Denier
“Black unmarked cop cars showed up quick after I used a bottle rocket to shoot one down.”

Bier Gutz  Antler Collector
 A heat sensing camera on a drone would let me find frolicking deer in the forest. Then kill them.”

Wan Tun Lust  Male Enhancement
“My dealer uses one to drop off my meth.”

Sven Svensson   Swedish Meatball 
“I like piloting a drone while I go poop.”

More "sites" (isn't one enough?):

You send the image link with your email client to friends, I'm too freaking lazy.

edgeecards Birthday Cards
Not your mom's Happy Birthday Cards.

Like I care. Regular people interviews. Aren't you regular?

Screw ALL the people!!!

Magazine Covers, Bottle Labels, "Energy Drink", other crap

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Obama details broader housing plan
President Barack Obama called on Congress Wednesday to make it easier for millions of additional homeowners to refinance their mortgages at lower interest rates even if they owe more than their homes are worth. He conceded that his administration’s housing plans so far have not lived up to their promise.

What the Hell do you think?

Beeg Idea  Homework Denier
“Like Obama, not living up to my promises is what I excel at.”

Bier Gutz  Can Collector
 “According to my accountant, it would make sense for me to refinance if Obama got the interest rate down to NEGATIVE 8%.”

Wan Tun Lust  Male Enhancement
“I think he’s prejudiced against renters!”

JP Moregan   Home Builderberger (73rd level)
“Please save my housing Pyramid Scheme. I need lower rates to suck in every last hair dresser in my town!”

More "sites" (isn't one enough?):

You send the image link with your email client to friends, I'm too freaking lazy.

edgeecards Birthday Cards
Not your mom's Happy Birthday Cards.

Oops! That's this page!

Screw ALL the people!!!

Magazine Covers, Bottle Labels, "Energy Drink", other crap

One in five Americans mentally ill in past year: study
One in five adults in the United States, or nearly 50 million people, suffered mental illnesses in the past year, a government report released on Thursday found. 

What the Hell do you think?

I. Dunno  ADD ADHD Girl Crazy twitter addict
“I sell the pills I’m supposed to take. Then go out and set things on fire.”

Mommeez Boie  Lonely
 “Stalking is not a mental illness. It keeps my mind sharp.”

Lilly Smiles  Psychologist
“I thank god for full moons!”

Jager Meister  Homeland Security Chief
“I collect used wax from nail salons. While it’s still warm.”